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DVD Price: $27 including postage and packaging
CD Price: $14 including postage and packaging
Payment is to the Zhineng Qigong Trust by direct credit.
All titles are available. If you wish to buy but do not have a CD or DVD player please contact us through this website.
Select your order from the titles below, make your payment, then provide the following information using the Contact Us link at the top of this page:
- The titles of the CD(s) and/or DVD(s) you would like
- Quantity of each, if more than one
- Total price paid @ $14 per CD, $27 per DVD
- Your Name and Postal Address
Direct credit
Zhineng Qigong Trust
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Healing [CD] (36 min)
with Pulling Qi [La Qi] (36 mins)
Product Code: H
Sleep Well [CD] (29 mins)
with Pulling Qi [La Qi] (36 mins)
Product Code: SW